In a vast world of technology, advancements in businesses continue to excel and an ‘Internet of Things’ are constantly working in order to pave the way for all smart devices, reaching new highpoints of intelligence by 2020; this is according to Intel. This last holiday brought millions out to purchase the latest techno gadget…the Drone; though it’s been available for a few years, there’s a new sport which has been taking off and Hobbyists like enthusiasts are expressing interest all over the world in this flying aircraft. What has been described as a quadcopter now has consumer enthusiasts eager to put this unmanned aircraft on their shopping list, but what many don’t know is that you should have Insurance coverage in the event of a crash. As described in multiple reports, these drone crashes can be a bit more complicated than someone just throwing a ball through your window, etc. It’s not only the average entrepreneur; in fact there are some high profile cases currently under review. So if by chance you are a hobbyist or local enthusiast looking to purchase the consumer-level drone, you should check with your insurance company to see what kind of coverage you may or may not have in the event this flying device goes villain. Coverage is also circumstantial, as it depends on possible negligence, the type of property damage and…or persons involved in the accident. There are hobbyist clubs in some areas that offer a group umbrella policy to its members.

Amazon put its Drone into business this past holiday, delivering its first package in Cambridge, England and was successful It  may not be ready to deliver in the states yet, but my concern is what about the thievery taking place on people’s door steps (so-called porch pirates), and how will this work to the consumers’ advantage (?) Just as we see those amateur drone enthusiasts in our neighborhoods, what makes people think the thieves themselves aren’t watching you come and go from your homes; as we all know they have cameras rolling in those unmanned quadcopters. I’m not sure I would want something delivered by a drone, and this is strictly my own opinion. As I watched videos and read articles regarding these drones, I was able to find some great advice for newcomers, as well as vendor research.

One of the best resources for hobbyists and drone entrepreneurs can be found online at .There you can find important information for anyone interested in drones, whether it’s for personal or business use. It also clarifies the differences between Federal Aviation Requirements (FAR), and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) Regulations, while explaining the differences between public aircraft operations and civilian aircraft operations. They discuss Drone traffic management, in and out of airport areas; also… the use for small unmanned aircraft systems and potential problems, as well as identifying those issues from the perspectives of owners. This website can help and educate anyone wanting information about drones. Last but not least is a site for those interested in purchasing one of these flying devices, from the most expensive to least expensive, for all enthusiasts. This can be found at . For those of you that don’t care, it might be in your best interest just to educate yourself a bit. I say this because after researching drones myself, I’ve read reports of drones falling out of the skies, crashing onto personal properties and hitting vehicles, leaving extensive damages. If the Drone Owner did not register this device, they may not come looking for it (forgoing the responsibility of the crash), and your auto insurance or homeowners insurance does not always cover these types of damages. I was not pleased to find this kind of information out, but nevertheless I wanted to share it; for whatever it’s worth.


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