Simon Kahlert , an exchange student at Virgin Valley High School who lives in Berlin, Germany says that school gong to school in America is a “different” education that isn’t about academics; it’s about experiencing new people and cultures. Photo by Teri Nehrenz.

Simon Kahlert , an exchange student at Virgin Valley High School who lives in Berlin, Germany says that school gong to school in America is a “different” education that isn’t about academics; it’s about experiencing new people and cultures. Photo by Teri Nehrenz.

Simon Kahlert is an exchange student at Virgin Valley High School who lives in Berlin, Germany.  Kahlert was interested in experiencing something very different in his education so he signed up with Euro Vacances-Aspect Foundation, one of the many organizations who make it possible for students like Kahlert to study abroad.

For Kahlert to be eligible for the program in Germany he needed to have an above average grade in English, one of the two languages other than his native German that Kahlert studies. The other is French.  Kahlert told the MLN that in German schools it is required to take seven years of English.  The students are also required to take a second language but they have a choice as to which other language that will be.

Kahlert told the MLN “School here is very different than Germany. I think you learn different things here.  In Germany we learn more cultural things and all that stuff.  Here it’s not about the things they are teaching us, it’s about meeting new people and experiencing a new culture.”

Kahlert isn’t sure what he wants to do after graduation but he said, “I’m pretty sure it’s not like science or anything.” Kahlert thinks he might take a year break after graduation and come back to America where he can explore his many options. He’s very fond of languages and the United States.  He said he likes it here and can imagine himself studying in an American college.

Kahlert is a member of the Virgin Valley High School Tennis Team and is looking forward to being one of the six players chosen to compete in the regional tournaments next week. He hopes he has a chance to go on to the state tournaments from there.