Jan. 30, 1911, Littlefield, AZ:  Word has been received here that C. M. Petersen with two lady passengers were caught in the flood that came down the Muddy valley on the 17th.  Mr. Petersen has the mail contract in the valley.  They, together with the mail, got a soaking and it nearly ended seriously.

Feb. 4, 1909, Littlefield, AZ:  Apricot trees are in full bloom at Littlefield.  Out correspondent at that place has sent the News a bunch of blossoms.  Our correspondent states that the first blossoms were seen on the 21st of January.

Feb. 4, 1922, Bunkerville:  A new kind of fig which is said to surpass all others for pickling and preserving has been brought to the attention of the Valley ad cuttings are being distributed among ranchers.