Having lived through the hell of the 2017 power outage, this one didn’t reach the hell level thanks in part to the email updates from OPD. Reporter Barbara Ellestad had complaints and suggestions and opines that OPD has a lot to do before the next blackout “that won’t take a lot of time and money on OPD’s part.”  Well I’m sure that when stuff happens OPD will see to community comfort and then see to responding to the problem. Or not. I imagine that it is all hands on deck when a major outage occurs. It would not be just money but people resources to respond to the community or several communities. I don’t know Ms. Ellestad, if money and people (assuming that the money and people are available) would be able to respond as promptly and efficiently, as you believe they should. Perhaps you could liase with OPD as they do a post incident assessment.

On another note, I deeply appreciate stories on various construction projects in the valley. I had already figured out that a new light was coming in on Grapevine and Pioneer. The story had more details. Great. The project by the two churches has been a puzzle. First they water the soil, then they appear to compact the soil. Repeat and repeat. Then the ground rises. How curious. I am puzzled no longer. These are informative stories that I enjoy as your politics suck.


Joan Blewett
