When people typically say the word “hospital,” they’re referring to the concrete, steel and glass structure; the place they go to, hopefully, heal. Of course, you know it’s not the concrete, glass and steel that heals you; it’s the people who work inside.

National Hospital Week celebrates those people and provides an opportunity to thank all of the dedicated individuals: physicians, nurses, therapists, purchasing, engineers, food service workers, volunteers, administrators and housekeepers for their contributions.

NHW always falls on the week (Sunday-Saturday) of Florence Nightingale’s birthday, May 12.

This year Mesa View Hospital has a lot to celebrate.

Being a small hospital in a rural area has its challenges and Mesa View hasn’t always come out on top; but they’ve been improving over the past few years and they’re set on changing the record.

One ongoing challenge has been staffing the hospital with quality doctors and keeping them. It’s not hard to find well trained and dedicated doctors, Mesa View has had several over the years but they don’t stay. Keeping staff satisfied with the salaries a small hospital can offer is difficult for any rural facility. Most young doctors are happy to start here but quickly move on to bigger adventures, more opportunities and money; all of that requires moving away from Mesquite.

One thing you, as a patient, can be sure of is the fact that the doctors Mesa View does have and hold on to are not only dedicated to Mesa View, they are dedicated to their community and patients. That is a good thing for the community; you wouldn’t want any less than a completely dedicated doctor and Mesa View has some of the best in cardiac, emergency and orthopedics.

The dedication doesn’t stop at the docs, the nurses, lab assistants and volunteers all speak highly of the place they spend one third of their days five days a week. They love their jobs and more so, the patients they tend to and care for. The employees don’t have many, if any, complaints about their employment, the people they work with or the community they live in and are dedicated to their professions.

Because Mesa View Hospital administrators and directors recognize that they have something special in their staff, the employees are in for some real treats and fun activities the week of May 7-13.

The event team is stepping up their game this year and combining NHW with their annual skills fair. The skills fair is held every year to reinforce job related skills specific to each employee in both clinical and non-clinical positions. There is fun to have for all in the way of contests, challenges and a little bit of silliness.

On Friday, May 11, the hospitals’ employees will be treated to a BBQ cooked by the Mesquite Fire and Rescue team members. Brave employees will have the chance to sink the new CEO, Ned Hill, in the dunk tank; makes you wonder how that will work for employee relations but hearsay is that Hill is a pretty good sport.

Unfortunately NHW and the Mesa View events are geared for the employees only, please remember the dates, May 7-13, and perhaps you can show your own appreciation for those who are dedicated to your health care and community.