WRAPsmOctober 27-November 2, 2014 marks the national 27th Annual White Ribbon Against Pornography Week.

Mesquite, Bunkerville and Littlefield residents have participated in the W.R.A.P. campaign since 1994. The purpose of WRAP Week is to educate about the harms of pornography. People all around the country will be participating in a variety of ways to include handing out or wearing white ribbons to bring awareness. Some will hold demonstrations or community events while others will hold counseling groups for porn addicts or go about their day wearing ribbons, responding to inquiries from others. Letters have been mailed to local churches with information and inviting all to join in by wearing a white ribbon or tied on your vehicle.

WRAP Week started in 1987 in Butler, PA by Norma Norris. After hearing a sermon warning against the rise of pornography in the community and its harms, Norris took to the streets to increase awareness. In order to allow participation by the maximum amount of people, a simple white ribbon, to symbolize purity of mind and heart, was used. The local H.O.M.E. organization (Help Our Moral Environment) has white ribbons if you’ll contact them by leaving a message at 702-346-2624.

H.O.M.E. encourages each person to take some time to educate themselves and families the dangers of the pornography. It is so easily accessible to any age at every turn. Please make sure your laptops, phones with internet access and computers have pornography blockers. Then make sure all your devices are checked regularly. If you would like to learn more or find help available, you can go online to Morality in Media. Throughout the week, Morality in Media will host daily online events from leaders in the anti-pornography movement. http://pornharms.com/#resources