To the Editor:

In response to Congressman Steven Horsford’s reverence to the thugs carrying weapons around schools, churches and other community buildings. This is “BS.” This is a lie. He is not here to see the truth. I have been around visiting several camps. They are not here to harm children or anyone in Mesquite. They are here to protect the Bundy family and the rights of all people from the oppression of the runaway government. There is not a school or church within miles of the encampments. Most of the folks here have families of their own. The business owners of Mesquite have said their business has prospered. Before this ever happened, a lady told me that the gun show is coming to town. She would not leave her house because there were going to be too many guns in town for the gun show. That is how paranoid some people are.

Harry Reid and his son brought the BLM to Gold Butte for their enterprising of solar power with China ENN. If anyone is to blame, it is Harry Reid.

We have to stand up for our “rights” and the “rights” of others, against the oppressive government. First the slaughter of cattle; what’s next, the people of the U.S.?

The people that are against guns put a sign in your yard: “Please feel free to molest, rape and pillage my home.  We have nothing in our home to protect ourselves.” These people should get their heads out of the sand and see what is happening with this government. The “rights” of the AMERICAN people is being taken away. WE are not going to let this happen without a fight.

David Henry
Beaver Dam, Ariz.