By Pastor Michael Quinton                                       


JOHN 5:46-47


How often in scripture do we find Jesus over and over reminding the religious leaders, the people, and yes even the apostles of the many miracles and signs He had performed…yet they still would not believe in Him.


In Mark Chapters 6-8 Jesus had just healed a deaf person, a mute, cast out a demon, and feed the 4,000 and His apostles said as they set sail for the other side of the sea, “But we have only one loaf of bread!”


In John 5:30-47 we have the foundation for the Four Lines of Evidence of Jesus being Messiah:

1.  John the Baptist bore witness of the Truth (Jesus) John 5:33

  1. The works Jesus did.  John 5:36. I have a greater witness than that of John the Baptist
  2. The witness of God, the Father in verses 37-38
  3. The Old Testament scriptures John 5:39


Therefore, Jesus concludes John 5:45-47 with these words: Moses wrote of Me; you believe Moses, but you will not believe Me.


In Jewish culture you were required to have only 2 witnesses.  Jesus gave 4 including God, the Father, and the Word of God (scriptures).  These are the highest authorities.


Many declare, “If God would only prove Himself to me, I would believe.”  But in this passage, Jesus demolishes this claim.  Jesus never calls us to have blind faith.


Here Jesus has given us 4 sets of evidence of His deity


The problem is not whether in the evidence; the problem is our unwillingness to accept conclusions we don’t like.


Romans 1:18-22 declares we all have more than enough evidence.


The Bible affirms His deity over and over.


Philippians 2:9 His name is above all names.


Acts 4:12 Neither is there any other name whereby we MUST be saved.


The people of Jesus’ time had ample evidence.  Today, we have the same: the prophets, the law, the miracles plus 2,000 years of billions of believers’ testimonies.


If you won’t believe Moses, how will you believe Me?


Michael Quinton is Pastor of Mesquite Baptist Church, 742 W. Pioneer Blvd., Suite A.

Sunday worship is at 10:30. We can also be found on Facebook and our website:


(All messages in the Church Directory are the opinion of the writer, who submits them as a columnist)