Reporting Period: 8:00 a.m to 7:59 a.m. 

Date / Time: Call Nature: Synopsis: 

8/16/2021 6:31:17AM Breathing Rescue 11 responded for a person having shortness of breath.  patient refused transport 

8/16/2021 5:35:41AM Cardiac Arrest Rescue 31 and Rescue 32 Responded to a reported person in  cardiac arrest. person confirmed to be deceased and scene was left with PD 

8/16/2021 4:18:46AM Falls Rescue 11 responded to a reported fall victim. Lift assist only 

8/16/2021 12:09:29AM Sick Person Rescue 31 and Rescue 32 responded to a reported sick  person. one person transported to MesaView 

8/16/2021 12:05:06AM Unconscious Rescue 11 responded to a reported unconsious person. person  refused all medical assessment

Date / Time: Call Nature: Synopsis: 

8/15/2021 4:50:59PM Patient Trans Rescue 33 responded to MesaView for a critical care transport  to Dixie Regional 

8/15/2021 3:30:44PM Patient Trans Rescue 33 performed a CCT inter-facility transport from Mesa  View to St. George. 

8/15/2021 2:07:14PM Falls Rescue 11 responded to a fall. Rescue 11 assessed one person  and person signed AMA. 

8/15/2021 12:19:18PM Patient Trans Rescue 32 performed a BLS inter-facility transport from Mesa  View to a patients home. 

8/15/2021 12:13:23PM Sick Person Rescue 31 responded to a sick person. Rescue 31 treated and  transported to Mesa View. 

8/15/2021 9:58:28AM Unconscious Rescue 11 and 32 responded to an unconscious person.  Rescue 11 treated and transported to Mesa View.

Date / Time: Call Nature: Synopsis: 

8/15/2021 9:04:28AM Falls Rescue 11 responded to a reported fall victim. one person  transported to MesaView


Reporting Period: 8:00 a.m to 7:59 a.m. 

Date / Time: Call Nature: Synopsis: 

8/17/2021 6:50:16AM Falls

Rescue 32 responded to a fall. Rescue 32 assessed patient  and they signed AMA. 

8/17/2021 6:43:20AM Stroke (CVA) Rescue 11 responded to a stroke. Rescue 11 treated and  transported to the airport to rendezvous with Mery Air 

8/17/2021 4:36:29AM Breathing Rescue 11 and 32 responded to a respiratory distress. Rescue  11 treated and transported to Mesa View. 

8/16/2021 8:50:24PM Agency Assist Rescue 33 performed an inter-facility assistance with Med Air  from Mesquite airport to Mesa View and back to the airport with one patient. 

8/16/2021 8:09:27PM Sick Person Rescue 11 responded to a sick person. Rescue 11 treated and  transported to Mesa View.

Date / Time: Call Nature: Synopsis: 

8/16/2021 2:40:52PM Unconscious Rescue 32 responded to an unconscious person. Rescue 32  assessed one person and they signed AMA. 

8/16/2021 2:05:35PM Unconscious Rescue 11 and Rescue 32 responded to an unconscious  person. Rescue 11 treated and transported to Mesa View. 

8/16/2021 1:50:12PM Patient Trans Rescue 33 performed a CCT inter-facility transport from Mesa  View to St. George. 

8/16/2021 12:24:10PM Cardiac Arrest Rescue 11 and 32 responded to a cardiac arrest. One person  was 419 upon arrival. 

8/16/2021 11:03:33AM Hemorrhage Rescue 31 responded to a hemmorhage. Rescue 31 treated  and transported to St. George. 

8/16/2021 10:26:32AM Sick Person Rescue 11 responded to a sick person. Rescue 11 assessed  person and they signed AMA.

Date / Time: Call Nature: Synopsis: 

8/16/2021 9:00:57AM Sick Person Rescue 31 responded to a sick person. Rescue 31 treated and  transported to Mesa View.