The purpose of this letter is to encourage citizens of Mesquite to VOTE FOR KAREN FIELDING FOR MESQUITE CITY COUNCIL SEAT 4 ON TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6TH.  Karen has boundless energy, a true understanding of the challenges ahead as Mesquite experiences another enormous growth spurt, and a loyalty to this community which insures she will be here to live with the decisions she makes as a Council Member

People who know Karen, know she has a good time at whatever she’s doing. Karen has never been one to put on “airs” to garner approval or support. Karen has actually lived and paid taxes in our wonderful community for over 23 years and been an  active citizen of our community, which may also encourage some varied perceptions along the way.  THIS IS WHAT MAKES KAREN THE EXACT OPPOSITE OF HER OPPONENT: an opponent who admittedly has been an occasional weekend visitor during the same 23 years Karen was raising 3 children in Mesquite; and, an opponent who feels qualified to represent you because of her last name, yet had absolutely no community presence until the latter part of 2017. Karen is the perfect candidate for our City Council. Karen brings “new blood” to the Council, but she’s also one of us, a long-time resident, whose only agenda is serving her community, not simply being an admitted politician with no substantial credentials!

Finally, Karen’s desire to serve as our Seat 4 Council member is grounded in her desire to see Mesquite continue to prosper and grow in the right direction by:

1) securing affordable housing to sustain the need for a growing work force; 2) securing medical care to meet the needs of our growing community; and, 3) encouraging additional economic development efforts which will assist businesses in locating to our community.  REMEMBER… Karen has, is and will be a part of our community for the long haul, not simply for a term or so prior to moving on to “greener pastures”, commonly referred to as State Assembly or higher!

Thank you for taking the time to read this letter.

Respectfully submitted,

Deby Burton