During the 2015 Legislative Session, the Nevada Legislature enacted Assembly Bill 394 (AB394), which created an Advisory Committee for the purposes of developing a plan to reorganize the Clark County School District into local school precincts no later than the 2018-2019 school year.

In an effort to provide support to the Advisory Committee, the Legislature also created a technical advisory committee. The purpose of the Technical Advisory Committee is to provide expertise, input, advice and assistance to the Advisory Committee. Each of the cities in Clark County appointed a representative to the Technical Advisory Council. Councilmember Kraig Hafen serves as Mesquite’s representative.

In an effort to provide the Technical Advisory Committee with the best information possible, the City created an online survey to gather input regarding the efforts to reorganize the Clark County School District into local school precincts.

Click on this link and Take the survey and share your opinion!  The survey is open through January 24.