With the new school year is a new sports season for the Valley’s kids, many of whom play sports in addition to maintaining good grades.

Some however, are unable to afford the fees associated with the costs of playing the sports they love, whether it be uniforms, equipment or the registration fee.

That’s where Kids for Sports comes in to save the day.kidsforsportslogo

According to Kathy Bussman, Treasurer for the foundation, there have been 72 beneficiaries of the monies raised this year, totaling assistance of $10,310.39. Their main applicants have been from the local FC Kicks Soccer with 23 followed by FC Club Soccer with 15. Other recipients include over 16 through Virgin Valley High School sports programs. Any student from the Virgin Valley, Bunkerville and Littlefield/Beaver Dam schools are encouraged to apply if they need help.

As of Tuesday night, Bussman said the foundation has raised $42,000 since they began.

Any student is encouraged to apply if they need assistance to participate in a sanctioned sports program, whether they think they qualify or not. Those applications can be obtained by printing from their website, www.kidsforsportsfoundation.org or picking one up from Wolf Creek Golf Course, 403 Paradise Parkway, or the Salvation Army in Mesquite at 355 W. Mesquite Boulevard Suite B50.