What I’ve learned over the past few years, weeks and even days, is that we all hold the key to our lives close within our heart and no two lives are the same. Ones perception of life can be vastly different for each and every person. In other words, we all see life through different lenses. However, when it comes to the anatomy of human emotions we’re very similar, so it’s easier to dwell on the bad things that happen around us, than to focus on the good ones; it’s how we tick. If you’re feeling the need to talk about things, discuss your concerns with someone close to you; reassurance and empathy can go a long way, while encouraging an optimistic outlook for the future. Finding the brighter side of life is necessary for everyone, as it reminds us of how precious the moments truly are, as well as meaningful.

Life can be like a tilt a whirl; we grab onto it tightly as possible, but whether you choose to be frightened or joyful is completely up to you. Fear will come and go, so don’t choose to make it permanent. Remembering how you lived in your childhood years is a great example. Playing fearlessly… most children made up stories and took numerous risks, whether on bicycles, or playing dodgeball. They also shared their inspirations through ‘make-believe’ playtime, never thinking twice about it because at a young age you didn’t analyze every move you made. As adults, we seem to put most of that away and our expectations in life often fall short, letting disappointments overshadow us. We let fear paralyze our thoughts from being creative and carefree. Focus on todays’ blessings and let the sun shine in. Make time in your day to experience something joyful. Let people into your life and create new memories. Laugh together and be open to new adventures; let curiosity lead you and take a few risks. Let’s lift one another in spirit; give thanks and practice forgiveness, it’s like taking heavy weights off your shoulder. Life throws us many curve balls, so don’t dwell too long on those…live in the present moment. Indulge yourself in a great meal, smell flowers, watch something funny or listen to your favorite music. Honor and be good to yourself…there’s more to this than you realize. So often we lose ourselves when we think of everyone else, ‘you’ are very important too. In reality, it is much like being a child, with the exception of responsibilities of course. Try to be more lighthearted and not so serious all the time; practice being joyful, while letting go of what you cannot change and see the good in life that surrounds you. Close your eyes and think of a happy childhood memory… something that makes you smile; you can get there. Nurture all of the precious things in your life, and remember these words from the beautiful song that Tim McGraw sings… “Always be Humble and Kind.” Here’s to looking on the brighter side of life.

Make your week count.