Some of us struggle when it comes to purchasing gifts for someone, whether it’s a birthday, holiday or special event… we find ourselves asking that simple question “What should we buy them?” This isn’t an easy task for many, as people struggle with finances or budgets… some will stress when it comes to making an unplanned purchase. I say ‘unplanned’ because in reality most people don’t figure in birthdays, weddings and other events in their personal budgets. So as Mother’s Day passed, Father’s Day is just around the corner and I’m sure some of you might be entertaining that exact thought; what to buy or do? We put unnecessary pressure on ourselves to pick out the perfect gift, though in reality… if we express our love in a more personal matter, it won’t cost a penny.

So if you have a pocket full of money or lack of… what would you consider to be the most precious to you? My guess… whatever it is, most likely didn’t have a price tag attached to it. Oh, you may get the occasional person that will read off a list of material things, but that’s all they are…just things. Life itself is a gift, and in our life… it’s the people we love and hold close to our hearts, which in my book is the best free gift of all time. Hugging is also free, and gives great pleasure to those we embrace, letting them know they are cared for and loved; not to mention it lowers blood pressure along with promoting other health benefits. Another free gift would be if you offer something of yourself, a talent or service you might be able to provide to someone. It’s amazing at how many people have talents of sorts, playing music, helping someone with a project because they have great organizational skills, reading poetry to someone or giving a massage… we all have something to give, and it’s totally free. As for myself, I enjoy cooking and like to believe I’m great at it… so for each of my daughters’ birthdays… I cook them their favorite meal. Then comes… the kisses; a feel-good act for so many of us. Kisses are free and they make us smile. Many of these things give great meaning to our lives. These are precious to most of us, and we would not trade those memories for any amount of money. Love and family are at the top of the list (among most), when it comes to the best free gifts.

Laughter, smiling, watching sunrises and sunsets are free. Giving someone a second chance at something doesn’t cost a thing. Sometimes it could mean the world to the person to have that given to them. There are so many things that are free, but I believe you get the idea here. It is simply true when talking about life’s’ best gifts, and who doesn’t want love, kindness and warm kisses on the cheek? We are all human, and I know that I have been blessed with many of these gifts. My hope to all of you is that you too might know what it is to have it all, life’s best gifts along with the memories. May the sun shine upon your face the rest of your life, giving you an abundant of blessings.

Make your week count.